Latvia - all types

Country: Latvia
Type of programme: all types
Beginning of the academic year: Occurs generally in the first week of September, but may differ among institutions which are autonomous.
Teaching activities and holiday periods: Institutions fix periods of teaching activity and holidays. Teaching activity usually is organised from September-December and from February- May.
As regards holidays, there is normally one week around Christmas/New Year and another one at Easter.
Examinations: Institutions fix periods of examinations. Usually examinations conclude the teaching activity period and take place in January/February and June/July.
End of the academic year: The academic year generally ends after the last examination of spring or summer semester.

Public holidays:

18 November 2013
24 - 26 December 2013
1 May 2014
4 May 2014 (transferred to 5 May)

last modification: 2013-10-31 13:45:21
Source: Eurydice Facts and Figures
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