Study in Europe

Universities - photos
miniatura The Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum in Berlin, district - Adlershof. In this building is the central library for natural sciences of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin located
miniatura Vue de l'université catholique de Lille côté cour, dans le quartier Vauban
miniatura Universität Basel
other information
7. As easy as A, B, C ...
Many people are put off learning a language because they have the impres­sion that it will take them a lifetime to learn all the words and grammar.However, evidence suggests that, with the right approach and motivation,most people can pick up at least a basic command of a foreign language.
1. Think before you write
Clear writing starts with and depends on clear thinking. Ask yourself: Who will be reading the document?
5. Staff and youth worker mobility
If you are a teacher or you work in an enterprise, you can teach at an institution abroad, gaining new professional perspectives, widening your networks and helping to modernise and internationalise Europe's education and training systems.
Competence interviews
A growing number of employers are conducting competence-based (also known as structured or situational) interviews. These have proved to be very effective in predicting future job performance and are more objective than unstructured interviews.
Netherlands - Fried sole with shrimp
Gebakken tongschar met grijze garnalen INGREDIENTS (serves 4) • 4 cleaned sole • 100 g of common shrimp • 150 g of butter • Chopped flat-leaf parsley • Flour • Lemon juice • Salt and pepper
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