Climate Change and Environment

Drone demonstrations in Italy showcase biomedical material transport and hospital security, towards a future of advanced urban air mobility.
An EU-backed project is installing a 6 MW prototype electrolyser in a Danish green industrial park in efforts to bring Europe a step closer to carbon neutrality.
Want to make products more sustainable? A new open innovation test bed can help develop novel bio-based materials to replace their oil-based counterparts.
How much have different countries contributed to climate change since 1850? A new study ranks countries’ culpability based on their emissions of key greenhouse gases.
A new temperature-modulating robotic system reveals previously unknown collective honeybee behaviour, opening the door to new possibilities for helping bees survive in a changing climate.
Using biomass as a source of energy is particularly elegant: you take waste that is all too often part of the problem when it comes to disposal, and you break it down to get gas which is then used as fuel. This episode looks at how biofuels can help us meet greenhouse gas reduction targets.
An EU-backed project presents what it has learned so far about efficiently designing industrial symbiosis at an early stage.
Researchers are equipping policymakers with valuable data to help shape future ocean plastic pollution policy interventions. Their global analysis shows an unprecedented rise in ocean plastic since 2005.
From satellites observing Earth, to roots and the microbes that surround them: Today we are looking at soil and how our food security depends on its health.
Researchers stumble across new clues on caffeine’s possible role in gut health.
The 2023 Future Circular Collider (FCC) Conference is bringing together scientists pursuing a vision of a larger, more powerful particle accelerator.
Two demo sites in Finland and Norway will showcase how used electric vehicle batteries can be exploited in battery systems for energy storage purposes.
A new CORDIS leaflet shows how coordinated, cross-border research and innovation is charting the course towards a healthy, resilient, and productive Black Sea.
Consumers and homeowners are using customised resources and tools to learn more about heat pumps and their many advantages.
EU-funded architects, engineers and policymakers take action to make energy certification processes for European buildings more holistic and dynamic.
An EU-funded project proposes to target microplastic pollution and jellyfish overpopulation with one ingenious solution.
Courses equip students at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) with the know-how needed to conduct research on the benefits of intelligent technologies in evaluating buildings’ energy performance.
An EU-backed project is demonstrating systematic, city-wide planning of nature-based solutions (NBSs) for urban water treatment, storage and reuse.
EU-backed researchers are exploring the benefits of cultivating legume and cereal crops on the same piece of land. Any farmers interested?
An EU-backed project has developed a self-assessment tool that helps decision-makers check planned climate adaptation actions and anticipate potential risks.
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