Study in Europe

Universities - photos
miniatura Национальный исследовательский технологический университет %22МИСиС%22
miniatura his is the outside auditorium of the Health Sciences Faculty of UBI
miniatura Informatik der HU-Berlin
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5. Investing in language
Some individuals learn a language for purely practical purposes. 'I learnt French for strictly professional reason sand as a means of communication with the inhabitants of the country I live in,' explains Angel, a Bulgarian IT specialist who lives in Belgium.
1. Think before you write
Clear writing starts with and depends on clear thinking. Ask yourself: Who will be reading the document?
3. Mobility in vocational education and training (VET)
Mobility abroad can help young people in vocational education and training to gain the skills needed for today's competitive employment market.
Competence interviews
A growing number of employers are conducting competence-based (also known as structured or situational) interviews. These have proved to be very effective in predicting future job performance and are more objective than unstructured interviews.
Germany - Swabian-style roast beef with onions
Schwäbischer Zwiebelrostbraten INGREDIENTS (serves 4) • 4 rump steaks • Olive or rapeseed oil • 4 to 6 medium-sized onions • 3 tablespoons of clarified butter • 500 ml of beef stock • 250 ml of dry red wine • Salt and pepper • Fresh thyme in a linen bag To be served with sautéed potatoes and a mixed salad.
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