Study in Europe

5. Investing in languageSome individuals learn a language for purely practical purposes. 'I learnt French for strictly professional reason sand as a means of communication with the inhabitants of the country I live in,' explains Angel, a Bulgarian IT specialist who lives in Belgium. 
1. Think before you writeClear writing starts with and depends on clear thinking. Ask yourself: Who will be reading the document?

Competence interviewsA growing number of employers are conducting competence-based (also known as structured or situational) interviews. These have proved to be very effective in predicting future job performance and are more objective than unstructured interviews. 
Germany - Swabian-style roast beef with onionsSchwäbischer Zwiebelrostbraten
INGREDIENTS (serves 4)
• 4 rump steaks
• Olive or rapeseed oil
• 4 to 6 medium-sized onions
• 3 tablespoons of clarified butter
• 500 ml of beef stock
• 250 ml of dry red wine
• Salt and pepper
• Fresh thyme in a linen bag
To be served with sautéed potatoes and
a mixed salad.