Study in Europe

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miniatura Etudiants UFC
miniatura L'Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin Bordeaux Aquitaine (ISVV) à Villenave-d'Ornon en février 2012.
miniatura alter Uni-Campus der EMAU Greifswald in Greifswald vom Dom St. Nikolai herunter
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6. Taking the plunge
People who have not yet embarked on the road to learning a foreign language, may feel concerned or afraid, like looking at the sea when they do not know how to swim.But studying a language is a little like learning to swim, surprisingly straightforward once you have taken the first plunge.
5. Make sense — structure your sentences
You may have to write (or improve) a text contain­ing a mass of facts and ideas. Here are some ways of untangling the information so that readers will understand each sentence straight away.
2. Learner mobility - Students in higher education
Study periods: Students can spend from 3 to 12 months studying at a university or college in another country. Traineeships: Alternatively, you can do a traineeship in a workplace abroad lasting from 2 to 12 months.
How to prepare for living abroad?
Adapting to work in a foreign environment is a skill in itself A person who works for a time in Spain, Romania and Sweden, for example, has learnt to adapt to different cultural patterns and knows how to work best and to cooperate with people there. These are very valuable skills. Someone working in a Latin country such as Italy, for example, would get used to managing flexibility, so when someone says '5 minutes’, they know that this may not be the same as 5 minutes would be to a German.
Cyprus - Meatballs
Keftedes INGREDIENTS (serves 4) • 700 g of pork • 120 g of parsley • 120 g of onions • 250 g of potatoes • 120 g of breadcrumbs • 1 egg • Salt and pepper • Extra virgin olive oil
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