Study in Europe

Universities - photos
miniatura University of Bath - building 6 east, school of architecture and building engineering
miniatura Science
miniatura Univerzita Pardubice
other information
5. Investing in language
Some individuals learn a language for purely practical purposes. 'I learnt French for strictly professional reason sand as a means of communication with the inhabitants of the country I live in,' explains Angel, a Bulgarian IT specialist who lives in Belgium.
4. KISS: Keep It Short and Simple
The value of a document does not increase the longer it gets. Your readers will not respect you more because you have written 20 pages instead of 10, especially when they realise that you could have written what you wanted to say in 10. They may well resent you for taking more of their time than necessary.
2. Learner mobility - Students in higher education
Study periods: Students can spend from 3 to 12 months studying at a university or college in another country. Traineeships: Alternatively, you can do a traineeship in a workplace abroad lasting from 2 to 12 months.
Competence interviews
A growing number of employers are conducting competence-based (also known as structured or situational) interviews. These have proved to be very effective in predicting future job performance and are more objective than unstructured interviews.
Poland - Fillet of Baltic salmon with crème brûlée and crayfish salad
Filet z łososia bałtyckiego z kremem spalone i sałatka raki INGREDIENTS (serves 4) • 800 g of salmon • 2 tonka beans • 1 egg yolk • Oil • 100 g of crayfish • 40 g of mayonnaise • 60 g of cream • Salt and pepper • Finely chopped dill (or chopped parsley or chives)
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